God Is Doing a New Thing!

U.S. Tour 2014-15 Starts October 5th!

It’s that time of year again…we are getting so excited to launch the Daraja Choir’s 6th U.S. Tour in September! We can’t believe how far the Lord has brought us, and are so thankful to be on the adventure of where He leads us next! Here are some highlights we wanted to share with you:

1.) This is the first year we are able to have a choir of both Kenyans & Ugandans! We are right in the middle of the process of getting approval and applying for their visas, so please join us in prayer and we ask that the Lord to make it all possible.

Pictured here are the 18 choir members from Uganda at their training last week. As you can see, they are excited to cross the bridge to visit us!

Training 2014-2015

2.) We have a new look! Check out our brand new web site with a refreshing look and feel. Plus, check out all of the ways you can stay connected and support Daraja at darajachoir.org.

3.) You can have a new look too!We have designed our newest tee shirt and you can be one of the first ones to own this amazing tee. Just visit our online store to purchase one. Your purchase will help make it possible to bring the choir to the U.S.!


4.) Daraja Wishlist – our clothing wishlist is finally up, and the Daraja kids will be here before we know it! Please help us outfit the 2014-15 Choir with all of their needs such as clothing, backpacks, shoes, school supplies, and much more. Please visit the Daraja Wishlist today and help fill up the Choir’s suitcases! Thank you!

5.) Daraja Alumni Retreat — our first Daraja Alumni retreat in Uganda will be held at the end of July. This will be a blessed time to pour into the 2013 Choir, as well as spend time visiting the up-and-coming 2014-15 Choir! We will spend this time encouraging and ministering to these amazing children, and would appreciate your prayers! Plus, we received word that the 2013 Alumni have been teaching and training the new choir their songs and dances. It’s encouraging to know that they are already leading and investing in the new members.

Thank you to our incredible Daraja Family for your support and prayers.  We couldn’t do what we do without you. Your support makes it possible to bring the choir to the U.S., to ignite hearts in worship, and to make Jesus famous on both sides of the bridge!

Stay in touch with us on Twitter (@DarajaChoir) and Facebook, plus look for us on Instagram too (@DarajaChoir)!
See you soon on the road!

Interested in booking the Choir at your church? Click here!