See You Later

This week, we said “see you later” to eight beautiful members of our family. Due to differences in visa policies, our Kenyan brothers and sisters had to leave America after three months. This year, that part of our family was delayed because of visa issues. At one point, we were not even sure they would be able to join us. By God’s grace alone, He made a way.
We cannot imagine our family without them. Even though our time was short, it was full: full of life, love, laughter, joy, and Jesus. God moved in and through our family. Alfred’s thirst to know the Lord reminds us of the childlike faith God calls us to have. His prayers touch people’s hearts, as his gift to intercede for others came to light. Mary’s sweet disposition melts hearts and her smile brings joy to others. Cynthia’s story continues to impact hundreds of people and her quiet humility reminds us of the heart of service God calls us to have. Kelvin’s curiosity sparks Spirit-led conversations. His ability to laugh at himself and his own goofiness brings laughter into other people’s lives. Dorcas leads by example and her quiet strength illustrates the faith of the women in the Bible. Lydia’s personality has blossomed since she has been here, and she surprises us everyday. Her ability to be herself inspires others to be who God created them to be.
When we think about how they almost did not come, we are in awe of God’s plan. Although we would love to have them longer, we are reminded:
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:9
God gave our Kenyan family two months here in America. He is calling them back home to serve in their community of Karogoto, Kenya. Our family rejoices that God brought us together and will send us out to be witnesses. He will give the rest of us the same mission when we go back home in May. The beautiful thing about Daraja is that we are brought into an environment to grow and serve together, and then we are sent out: to Kenya, Uganda, and America.
While we will miss that part of our family, we are excited for the next three months. We know that God will show up in ways beyond our imagination as we continue to seek Him. Not only will He show up here in America, He will show up in Kenya as eight sweet missionaries return back home to share God’s love. God is moving among the nations, and we encourage you to join us in prayer as our family continues to serve God in different countries. We know that these amazing kids have impacted hundreds of people across America. Saying “see you later” is never easy, but it’s worth it. God has a plan for all of these kids much bigger and much better than anything we could ever imagine. We are thankful and humbled that God has used Daraja as a part of their story, as well as ours.

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