The Daraja Choir has arrived!

In the days prior to the choir’s arrival we focused on the idea of joy – what is it?  One definition says “Joy is the natural reaction to the work of God, whether promised or fulfilled.  Joy expresses God’s kingdom – His influence on earth.”   Well what does that look like?  If you stood outside the International terminal of the Atlanta airport on Friday night you’d have caught a pretty good glimpse of it.  Our 23 African children, led by their teachers, walked wide-eyed through customs and straight into our expectant arms.  It was a beautiful moment, and adding to our joy was the fact that this year our choir includes children from both Uganda and Kenya!

After a great first night with host homes we headed up to Big Canoe for some training.  In less than 72 hours the children have had a world of firsts, from “American chicken” (fried) to spaghetti, to oreo cookies and ICE-CREAM!  We’ve learned a bit about their likes and dislikes, and although they’re all very different from one another there is no division between them.  They’ve played games, they’ve laughed, they’ve hugged, they’ve sang (A LOT!), they’ve danced, and on Sunday they led their first congregation in worship!  Speaking of worship, they’ve been learning with Daddy Abbu that worship is a lifestyle.  What an important truth that is, one we can all take to heart.

From the sound of their practices, you’ll be in for a treat when they come to worship with you.  God has definitely gifted these children and we look forward in the next several months to see how He works in their lives, and uses them to influence others for God’s kingdom.  Please continue to pray for our Daraja family, that we would continue to grow closer to one another, but more importantly to God.  Not only that, but that we’d choose to live lives of worship – lives that reflect the joy we have in Christ!










First glimpse of the children arriving at the airport!


The choir rehearsing for their first church performance.


Daraja and over-sized sunglasses are always a good combination! (Moses and Innocent)


Diana and Linah try ice cream for the first time!


Story time with Mama Elisa!


Devotion time with Daddy Abbu.