Video Recap #1

Daraja Fall Tour 2013 from Daraja Children’s Choir on Vimeo.

Wanna know what Daraja has been up to for the past few weeks?  Here’s a short video to bring you right into all the action!  We truly wouldn’t be able to do what we do without the love and support of our faithful supporters!  Every church and home opened, every meal provided, every experience granted, every dollar donated, every prayer prayed goes towards the eternal investment into this ministry.  It’s not just about investing into our kids; it’s about what the investment will bring to the country of Uganda, and it’s about impacting every life we come in contact with around The States.  Thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting the Lord’s mission through Daraja!  We love all of you!


The Daraja Children’s Choir of Africa