Meet the Daraja Interns: Casey!

Casey, Everlyn, Jenipher, Teopista, & Sharlotte

My name is Casey Nolan. I’m a sophomore at the University of Richmond and I’m from Alpharetta, GA, home of the 410 Bridge. Coming into this summer, my only knowledge of Daraja came from seeing the 2007 choir perform at BigStuf Camps. Now, 6 years later, my connection to Daraja has come full circle; while I will get to see Daraja perform at bigstuf this summer, it will be as an intern this time around. I still can’t wrap my mind around how surreal this summer has been and will be. The Lord has blessed me incredibly by giving me the opportunity to intern with Daraja. Through it all, God is teaching me to give Him my all in everything I do. No matter what the circumstances are. No matter how tired I am. No matter how the day is going. I should want to and should give my all in whatever He is calling me to do that day. In addition to that, I’m being reminded that nothing is too big for God. Whether it is problems with immigration or problems with a bus, He is so much bigger than all of these problems and uses them for our good. One thing that I’ve really enjoyed doing on tour so far is teaching the kids math. I’ve been working with class 6 on understanding all things that are fractions. For the first time, I’ve been able to see how teaching is so rewarding. To see some of the kids I know struggle with math begin to understand the material brings so much joy to both you and them. To see them smile once they got the problem right brings such an indescribable warm feeling, which I’m pretty sure comes out of happiness for them. I know that God has BIG things planned for Daraja this summer and can’t wait to see all that it entails!