Daraja Sponsors Needed!!!

We have a great opportunity for you and your family to connect with a Daraja child! This year, we were hoping to find sponsors for the 2011 Daraja children as well as some of the Daraja Alumni who still have sponsorship needs. In light of our tour cancellations, we really need your help!

Please consider sponsoring a Daraja child for $39 a month through BrightPoint for Children. You will be able to write to your child as often as you’d like and will hear back from them 3 times a year when they come home on school breaks. In addition, we will try our best to let you know how they are doing in school and what their prayer requests are from month to month. In addition, should you ever travel to Kenya with The 410 Bridge, we will be sure you get a chance to connect with your sponsored child!

Different children are in need of different levels of sponsorship. Some need Primary Sponsors and some are in need of Leadership Sponsors. A short description is listed below.

Thank you so much for your support! Please click here to see who is available for sponsorship!

PRIMARY SCHOOL SPONSORSHIP= In this program, your child is a “star student” in their school. While you build a relationship with your child, the funds go to promote the level of education for ALL of the children in their school (including your child) by hiring more teachers, purchasing books and desks, providing feeding programs, etc. When your child moves from Primary School to Secondary School, you have the option of continuing on as a Secondary sponsor where your monthly gift will be used to go directly to the school fees of your child in the secondary school (which is normally a boarding school).

LEADERSHIP SPONSORSHIP = This sponsorship enables us to follow up on the Daraja Alumni and to provide leadership building opportunities for them throughout the year. With these collective funds, we have hired an amazing woman named Alice who visits each of them monthly (most of them attend boarding schools all over Kenya), encourages and mentors them in their personal growth, and plans 3 retreats a year for the alumni when they are out of school in April, August and December. In Decemeber, the retreat is a full out conference where we bring the Alumni to a conference center, encouraging them with worship, lessons and activities.