Summer Tour 2011

We would love to thank everyone who has been praying for Daraja Choir and supporting us through the sending of letters to the Kenyan government. Literally hundreds of letters poured in expressing your support of our ministry and our travels. We were overwhelmed with your response and the way that Daraja has impacted your lives.

Unfortunately, our meetings in Kenya have not proven successful and, like you, we are very disappointed.

As a result, we have had no choice but to cancel the remainder of Daraja’s summer tour with the hopes that we can focus our efforts on getting the children here for fall tours in September. Please do not stop sending letters and praying that we will be successful.

We have no doubt that God is doing something BIGGER and GREATER than anything He has done before. Our hopes are that you will continue to pray for us, for the Kenyan adults, the U.S. tour leaders, the interns and the children as we follow God on this adventure. We could not have made it this far in the journey without your support and encouragement. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!