Daraja Needs Your HELP!

As some of you may know, the Ministry of Education in Kenya has not provided permission for the Daraja Choir travel to the U.S. this year. While we understand that they have the best interest of the kids at heart, we’ve seen the positive impact that Daraja tour have on their lives and their hunger for education. We are working several different avenues to resolve the issue, but we need your help.

We would love you to help us by writing a letter “to Whom it May Concern” expressing the impact that Daraja choir has had/could have on your life, church and community.

410 Bridge’s executive Director is traveling to Kenya next Tuesday and we would like to send thousands of letters with him letting them know how badly the U.S. would like to worship with the 2011 choir. IF you would like a template, email me at christi@410bridge.org and I will send you one.

Also, we would love for you to pray for us. God is up to something BIG and has involved Daraja. We want to be faithful to what HE is doing and not limited by our own sight, while giving Him the glory every step of the way.

Thank you!