We Need Leadership Sponsors!

As you know, Daraja Children’s Choir of Africa has been around for 4 years now… which is over 70 children who have traveled to the U.S. and ministered to you in your churches! As we are growing, we have recognized the need to provide followup and LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT to our Daraja Alumni.

To do this, BrightPoint for Children is helping us create a Leadership Sponsor for each of our Alumni. By becoming a Leadership Sponsor, you commit to giving $39 a month which will go towards providing meaningful follow-up and leadership retreats for your Daraja child. This will help us staff an Alumni program which will visit each child at least once a month, create a 410 leadership club for Daraja alumni that are in 410 Bridge communities, and 3 retreats a year (during their school breaks) where ALL the alumni can come together for spiritual and leadership development.

If you are interested in helping us with this, please CLICK HERE to see the children still in need of sponsors!

We truly appreciate all your prayers and support! Thank you for all you are doing!