Lessons from the Leadership Retreat

December 27-January 2, 2011, The Daraja Alumni gathered at the Brackenhurst Conference Center in Limuru Kenya for encouragement, fun and leadership lessons. We traveled to Ngaamba and sang for the community there as well.

At the end of the week, we asked them to write down some of the things they’d learned. Here’s what they said:

“I should not let anyone lead me down the wrong path”- Isaac 09

“[The Bible] shoes us that God is always with us through everything in our lives and He can work miracles that can change your life forever if you follow Him and live a righteous life. God has worked miracles that have totally changed my whole life. God should be your best of the best friends that you have. He loves you and you should share your love with others”- Sharon 07

“I remember when I was in kindagarten we used to sing a song that says “Behond what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us that we should be called the sons of God” and that is the first verse of 1 John 3. It reminds me from long time ago that God has a plan for us and that He has given us a chance to be called His songs and daughters.” – Michelle 07

“Work hard to achieve my dreams and my future for later”- Keziah 08

“I’ve learned that I should be who I am and not try to be someone else. And if I want to be a leader, I should be a servant to all. And serve to make other people look good and not serving so that I can look good”-Moses 09-10