Words from intern Logan:
In April of 2010, 23 children began a journey in Nairobi, Kenya. And in just a few days, these children, after spending nearly five and half months in the United States, will return home to Kenya. But their journey does not end there. Sure, the concerts will be done with. The costumes will be packed away somewhere, and the music will stop playing. But these kids, will begin the next part of their journey. Before their summer started, most of these kids had it rough. Some missing a parent, or even both, some kids live without electricity. In fact most of our children, before they met in Nairobi for camp, had never used a toilet before. Looking back at where these kids were, to where they are now is mind blowing. The common ground for most of these kids, is before Daraja, they did not know Christ. Or if they did, they were not living in His word, and living according to His will. But wow, how far they have come.
I cannot imagine what some of these kids must have been thinking through all of this. A lot of them came to this country with a basic knowledge of English. Some could only say a little. Now, they just don’t stop talking. It’s incredible. It isn’t really even difficult to understand them. Sure, they don’t always speak with perfect grammar, but for that matter, neither do I. All I know is if I went from a home with no electricity or running water, to the United States, I would be in complete shock. But these kids? No way. I just can’t figure that out. How?
Probably the biggest thing that just blew me out of the water was this: the spiritual maturity level of these kids. It was incredible, in the word’s of Mahinda, “It was like wow!” I constantly think about where I would be today, if I thought the way they do at the age of 13. These kids are going to change the world. I know it. These are the future doctors, and lawyers, and businessmen, and presidents of Kenya. I don’t believe this will be the last time these kids will travel the world. I’m sure many of them will continue to do so throughout their lives. And everywhere they go, everything they do will just be another part of the journey. Daraja was starting point for most of these kids. In Swahili, Daraja means bridge. These kids are Daraja, and they have crossed the Daraja. Crossed the Daraja to the next part of their lives. Next week they will be at home. No longer on tour, but they will go home completely different Radically altered by love. Changed by grace. Immersed in faithfulness. Our choreographer Dan once commented that, “This tour does not end in December, it ends when we die.” That is so true. And that is the journey for these kids. When they go home, they have an even bigger opportunity than they have had here. They can bring hope to a place that is sometimes hopeless. They can bring light to a place that has a lot of darkness. This tour was just preparation for these kids. They are now prepared to go into the world and change it. And I can’t wait to see it changed. I am so thankful to have been a part of these kids lives. As sad as it is to let them go, I am so thrilled to see them grow up. God is going to use them to do some huge things. They are world changers.