Leadership Sponsorship

Have you ever wanted to sponsor a Daraja Choir member? Well now you have the opportunity! Most of Daraja’s choir members have two sponsorships – a basic needs sponsorship and an education sponsorship. However, as our Daraja children head home we don’t just want to guarantee their physical and educational health, but spiritual development as well.

Through our partners at BrightPoint for Children, we have created a new leadership sponsorship opportunity for all of our current Daraja members and Daraja alumni. This $39 sponsorship will help pay the salary of our precious school teacher Linah as she travels around Kenya and meets with all of our children. As Linah visits with the kids she will disciple them and encourage them as they continue their walk with Jesus! The sponsorship money will also fund programs for Daraja alumni to gather together periodically for leadership camps and training!

As a leadership sponsor, you will have the opportunity to write letters and develop a relationship with your sponsored Daraja child!

If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor, you can check out Daraja’s BrightPoint sponsorship page by clicking here.