Be strong and courageous

A story from Collett:

One of the best things about touring with these children is watching them grow and blossom. Beth is one of our girls that gets scared quite easily. I even remember Abbu (our Choir Director) telling me a story about how the sound of his car alarm beeping sent Beth running in the other direction…several times. One of my prayers for her is that fear won’t have a stronghold in her life. About a week ago we had a chance to go to the US National Whitewater Center. Once we were there, our sweet host Jane bought tickets for us to do the zipline and the high ropes course. I remember when we got to the zipline and I watched Beth climb up the net to the top, my heart was beating so fast, because I really didn’t know if she’d be able to get the courage to do it, and then the mother bear mentality kicked in, and began to make me question if this was a good idea in the first place…maybe she’s not ready, maybe it’s too much. But, she went off, even though she was scared, and as soon as she hit the ground was laughing and said let’s go again. Then off we went to the high ropes course, because Beth wanted to….I’m actually terrified of heights, so the Lord let me face some of my fears too. Gloria, who later admitted she was nervous as well, was such a leader the whole time. She encouraged Beth, and was fearless. I was so proud of both of them. The Lord let me and teacher Linah encourage them not to be afraid, and to watch them overcome fear was a very special moment that I won’t forget.

Joshua 1:9: “This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
