23 Bibles

Daraja spent time with some families at Weddington Community Church this weekend! And yesterday morning the choir led worship for the WCC congregation in Matthews, NC. After Weddington’s morning service, Daraja was invited to attend WCC’s youth group and enjoy a service with the middle schoolers.

What’s really, really neat is that during the youth group meeting, all of the Daraja kids were given Bibles! Last weekend the youth at WCC held a bake sale to raise money for the choir, and they raised enough money for 23 new Bibles. This is soooo exciting! You see, only a couple of our 2010 choir kids own a Bible back home. For most of these kids, this is the first time in their lives they have their own copy of the Scriptures. Needless to say, the kids were pumped! Check it out:

Worshipping with WCC on Sunday morning

Kevin getting his first Bible ever

Hannah and her new Bible