“Oh God, help me!”

A story from intern Pip:

Everyday is exciting in Daraja!! I forget sometimes that my little Kenyan friends have not experienced some of the simple things I have in my lifetime. Last week, our host took us to her daughter’s volleyball game. I didn’t know anyone could get as excited about volleyball as little Nelly. She cheered her heart out! I could not contain myself when she started yelling, “Goooaaaaaaaaal!” Priceless.


When times get tough, this little girl knows to call on the Lord. At the most exciting point in that game, the teams were tied, and we almost lost it. Intense, I know! Nelly looked at me and cried, “Oh God, help us!” Yesterday, I was grading her math work, and again I heard, “Oh God, help me.” It made me laugh. But you know, she’s so genuine about it!

One thing I’ve noticed about these kids is their dependency on God. Even with little things, they trust the Lord so freely. It challenges me to have that kind of faith. It reminds me of our total depravity as human beings, and without Jesus, we can do nothing. I know that despite all my faults, only He can change me. Only Jesus can save me. Every day should begin with “Oh God, help me!” And that should never stop.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing!”  John 15:5