Violet's Victory

If you’ve been following Daraja over the past couple years, you’ve probably heard about Violet and the obstacles she has faced. In case you don’t know, Violet is an orphan from the Nairobi area and was originally selected to be part of the 2009 choir. However, complications surrounding Violet’s passport emerged, and Violet was unable to join Daraja in the States in 2009.

This year, now a member of the 2010 Daraja choir, Violet’s passport complications continued. When the 2010 Daraja choir left Kenya this past weekend, Violet had to stay behind.

However! All in God’s perfect timing, TODAY Violet’s passport problems ended. And next week, after a two-year long struggle, Violet will be flying over to America with our Kenyan choreographer Dan to meet up with the choir!

Praise God!