Looking back on my experience with Daraja, I’m overwhelmed with the goodness of God.
Daraja is amazing; but it’s not about having fun with kids, getting to meet new people, enjoying a cool experience, or even seeing a new country. Daraja is an appointment between you and God, a season where he is ready to work, to bring you closer to him in ways you didn’t know were possible. It is painful and delightful at the same time.
During my time with Daraja, the Lord awakened a part of me. I fell in love with God as my romancer. I learned that to truly live and grab hold of the ABUNDANT life he has for me, I have to die to myself and take up the cross. There is a freedom when you realize that you no longer have rights to yourself anymore. You were bought at a price; and you belong to the Lord. This realization allowed me, to taste and see, to experience that the Lord is good. The Lord used Daraja in my life to change me, to show me how to love and worship with abandon.
I went into tour wanting to bless, mentor, and love the choir and those I encountered. I wanted the Lord to use me to make a difference. It’s funny how you can go into an experience with a mindset of how you want to serve others; yet you always come out feeling like you were blessed more by the very people you intended to serve. I asked God to empty me out and he did…but then he filled me to overflowing. Daraja means bridge in Swahili, but to me it means love, family, worship, God on the move…freedom.