Wondering how much stuff it takes to keep the Daraja Children’s Choir on the move? Well, as you can imagine, we carry a ton of stuff with us everywhere we travel! To maintain our sanity, we try to stay super organized and keep everything inventoried to make life simpler. Just for fun, here is the list of what we carry with us. MOST of it is unpacked and packed back up at EVERY church we visit! Talk about traveling light!

35 Suitcases
11 duffle bags
3 shoe bags
54 costumes
14 dress blacks (for adults to wear during concerts)
23 travel pillows
23 travel blankets
35 lunchbags/2 big baskets
2 suitcases for extra clothing
Iron bag (4 irons which only work sometimes)

Sound System:
3 mackie speakers
Wireless Rack and EQ for sound
Cable box (HUGE)
Speaker stands
Mic stands
Microphone box
Ipod bag (with harddrives and extra cords)

Concert Supplies:
Brighpoint file box
Brightpoint display
Donor envelopes tub
Concert programs tub

Store Product:
5 main teeshirt tubs
9 overstock tubs
2 Kenyan product tubs
1 display tub
2 tubs of coffee
8 boxes of cd’s
1 ovestock jewlery tub
Metal shelves

School supplies:
35 regular backpacks
8 backpacks of school curriculum
2 school supplies tubs
Library bag

Bus Supplies:
Bus tools
Broom/sweeper carpet/ mop
Mapquest book of directions
Medicine kit

Office Supplies:
Office bag
Christ’s office file box
6 Flat rate boxes with donor envelopes

2 airmattresses (just in case)
Cooler with waterbottes in it
11 cameras
Extra toiletries
Sports gear (3 soccerballs, 3 jumpropes, 1 kati ball, 3 footballs)
Cleaning supplies (2 baskets of wipes, febreez, papertowels, trashbags, sanitary wipes, germex, etc)
Community bag