It was a great and fun day when we had gone for our concert in the Bigstuf camps. We sand, dance, shared scriptures and then after that we went and gathered together in room. One of our teacher told us that we were going to the beach because of the good job that we did. My heart melted with joy because I knew that it would be fun and it was my first time. As we were walking down the beach, some people were complaining about the soil because it was very hot.
When we arrived we went in a tent where we kept our bags and we were given some sun screen. We held hands two by two and all jumped into the water. In my surprise, I went with somebody who had never been in an ocean again. So she lept me and we went away. So I was trying to jump over the waves but they too heavy for me to jump. So they were covering me up and so water was entering through my nose, eyes and nose. I started sneeching and jumping in the water.
After some minutes I was glad to see friends from the Big Stuff coming to swim with us from that when I was shown how to swim in the ocean, it have never been a trouble to me.