Games Day By: Damaris

We had just finished our leasons in all classes. Our teachers told us that we are going to play water baloon racing. I didn’t want to run. The two teams were put aside and the game was, you get a (water) baloon from a bowl and lift it up with one hand and put it in your mouth. Your friend will take a rubber band and you will put your hands behind your back and he/she will put a rubber band and you can start running. When I saw the game was interesting because our team was winning I said I will be the next one. I was the third last so I ran and finished before the other one. Our team wone and we were the winners.


It was time to play another game. So we were told every one to get a partner. I got a partner and we didn’t stay long in because our baloon fell down and busted. The game was over and one of our teachers were the winners. The game ended like that and it was the happyest day but not like the day of going for swimming. This shows that God can make you an instrument for him. It shows that we should obey and be good to others and love you neighbors as you love your self. And we should always be good. And every thing we do put God first.

From Intern: Hannah-We really enjoyed playing relay games with the water balloons. Watching the kids have fun just reminds me of the joy the Lord brings through His children.